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Jaiko, JA-I-KO stands for Janer, Irish and Kiko, all kabayans who were college friends that ends up in Dubai. With the homesickness of their home in the Philippines and with the dash of their F&B background, they decided to develop the original and authentic recipe of Manong Taho in Dubai from scratch to get the #tastelikehome feeling.

Wallah, after two months of failures but never give-up drive of the three good friends, Jaiko Taho was introduced in the market in July 2023.

Jaiko team's mission is to share the #tastelikehome feeling with every fellow Kabayans not only in Dubai or UAE but with all the OFWs who have to sacrifice and leave the Philippines to get a good opportunity. Jaiko team aims that in every cup of their fresh authentic taho their customer who misses home will be reminded of:
  • The smell of the morning breeze of Philippines
  • The comfort of lying down while the roosters are singing
  • Your neighbor's noise sweeping their front yard using the walis tingting
  • The smell of fire made by burning weeds
  • The feeling of, did the rain stop?
  • Then suddenly, you'll hear, TTTtttaaahhhOOooooo!!!
Then you open your eyes. The taste, the smell of our Taho just brought you back to the Philippines in a snap.
Jaiko team's aim is to also introduce its proudly made authentic taho in Dubai to other nationalities. Similarly, other Asian nationalities were familiar with a taho-like treat with different flavors and textures. Jaiko team offers not only the original authentic taho that all Filipinos love but also familiar flavorings for other nationalities to soon-to-be their favorite snack.
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